Somatic Experiencing®
- Embodied trauma healing

Finland's first Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training will start in Helsinki in April 2024.
Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training is a continuing education programme for therapy and human work professionals. Training is in English.
Registrations to the 1st cohort have closed. Stay informed about future trainings by subscribing to our mailing list trough the form below.

Past webinar recordings are available on YouTube.
Most of them are in English. Links can be found on the 'Webinars' page.
We have no new webinars planned at the moment. We will focus on the launch of SE training. By joining our email list (form below), you will hear about new webinars when it is their time again.

Two-day Somatic Experiencing® Introduction Workshop is the first step towards longer SE-training.
The course (delivered in English) is suitable for anyone who wants to understand trauma better. Its purpose is to give participants both a theoretical understanding and first-hand practical experience of the Somatic Experiencing approach. You can read more about the workshop in the link below.
The latest workshop was in January 2024 and we don't yet have dates for the next workshops. You can hear about the new course offerings by subscribing to our mailing list through the form below.